There's lots to celebrate this New Year's Eve. For one thing, the Mayan people's dire, end-of-the-world prediction didn't pan out. Phew!
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There's lots to celebrate this New Year's Eve. For one thing, the Mayan people's dire, end-of-the-world prediction didn't pan out. Phew!
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When the country is grappling with thousands of sexual assault cases against women reported daily, trust Kiran Bedi to come up with one of the most holistic plans to combat these crimes. The former IPS officer and India Against Corruption member presented her 6Ps plan ? Crime Prevention Plan within police, people (society), prosecution, politician, prison and press (news media and film industry) ? on CNN-IBN.
Bedi was confident that if this plan of hers is implemented, police administration can be improved and crime rate can be reduced to a considerable extent.
There is widespread distrust of the police among the common man. But that will not help combat crimes against women in the long run. PTI
She said, ?6Ps means crime prevention plan within police, within people because community has a very major role to play. So the people, the police, the prosecution; then comes the role of the politician, the prisons and the media, which is the press and press also includes the films, and then comes the jail. So it is the 6Ps and a J.?
Kiran Bedi also stressed on the need to devise a community plan because the plan would fail without the support of the community. ?You can?t have sons of mothers, who have no control over their boys. So you need social, primary education at the family level, ?she added.
Though there is widespread skepticism over the role of the police, Bedi said, that can only be solved if there is community policing irrespective of beat policing. Community policing ? a system in which police officers of an area kept in touch with all the members and activities of that area, was a system that Kiran Bedi had put into place when she was a top cop in Delhi.
She stressed the fact that the police must build relationships with families in the neighbourhood for effective policing. She said, ?You see, when a beat officer goes, he is walking his beat, he is building relationships. He is also preventing crimes because he is collecting intelligence. He is also visiting past criminals and doing rehabilitation.?
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Clouds roil over the White House in Washington on the morning of Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, as Washington has less than 48 hours to avert the ?fiscal cliff,? a series of tax increases and spending cuts set to take hold on Jan. 1. Republican and Democratic negotiators in the Senate were hoping to reach a deal to avoid going over the cliff on Sunday. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Clouds roil over the White House in Washington on the morning of Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, as Washington has less than 48 hours to avert the ?fiscal cliff,? a series of tax increases and spending cuts set to take hold on Jan. 1. Republican and Democratic negotiators in the Senate were hoping to reach a deal to avoid going over the cliff on Sunday. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
President Barack Obama pauses during a statement on the fiscal cliff negotiations with congressional leaders in the briefing room of the White House on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 in Washington. The negotiations are a last ditch effort to avoid across-the-board first of the year tax increases and deep spending cuts. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
President Barack Obama arrives to make a statement on the fiscal cliff negotiations with congressional leaders in the briefing room of the White House on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Washington. The negotiations are a last ditch effort to avoid across-the-board first of the year tax increases and deep spending cuts. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Whether negotiated in a rush before the new year or left for early January, the fiscal deal President Barack Obama and Congress cobble together will be far smaller than what they initially envisioned as an alternative to purposefully distasteful tax increases and spending cuts.
Instead, their deal, if a deal they indeed cut, will put off some big decisions about tax and entitlement changes and leave other deadlines in place that will likely lead to similar moments of brinkmanship, some in just a matter of weeks.
Republican and Democratic negotiators in the Senate were hoping for a deal as early as Sunday on what threshold to set for increased tax rates, whether to keep current inheritance tax rates and exemptions and how to pay for jobless benefits and avoid cuts in Medicare payments to doctors. Senate leaders were hoping to be able to present their members with a plan when the parties meet separately on Capitol Hill Sunday afternoon.
An agreement would halt automatic across-the-board tax increases for virtually every American and perhaps temporarily put off some steep spending cuts in defense and domestic programs.
Obama pressed lawmakers to start where both sides say they agree ? sparing middle-class families from looming tax hikes.
"If we can get that done, that takes a big bite out of the fiscal cliff. It avoids the worst outcomes. And we're then going to have some tough negotiations in terms of how we continue to reduce the deficit, grow the economy, create jobs," Obama said in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" that aired Sunday.
Gone, however, is the talk of a grand deal that would tackle broad spending and revenue demands and set the nation on a course to lower deficits. Obama and Republican House Speaker John Boehner were once a couple hundred billion dollars apart of a deal that would have reduced the deficit by more than $2 trillion over ten years.
Republicans have complained that Obama has demanded too much in tax revenue and hasn't proposed sufficient cuts or savings in the nation's massive health care programs.
Obama upped the pressure on Republicans to negotiate a fiscal deal, arguing that GOP leaders have rejected his past attempts to strike a bigger and more comprehensive bargain.
"The offers that I've made to them have been so fair that a lot of Democrats get mad at me," Obama said.
Boehner disagreed, saying Sunday that the president had been unwilling to agree to anything "that would require him to stand up to his own party."
Don Stewart, a spokesman for Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell, said Sunday: "While the president was taping those discordant remarks yesterday, Sen. McConnell was in the office working to bring Republicans and Democrats together on a solution."
Attention Sunday focused on the Senate, where Kentucky's McConnell, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., engaged in negotiations in the Capitol in hopes of having something to present senators.
"I was modestly optimistic yesterday, but we don't yet see an agreement," Obama said, referring to his mood Friday. "And now the pressure's on Congress to produce."
The trimmed ambitions of today are a far cry from the upbeat bipartisan rhetoric of just six weeks ago, when the leadership of Congress went to the White House to set the stage for negotiations to come.
"I outlined a framework that deals with reforming our tax code and reforming our spending," Boehner said as the leaders gathered on the White House driveway on Nov. 16.
"We understand that it has to be about cuts, it has to be about revenue, it has to be about growth, it has to be about the future," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said at the time. "I feel confident that a solution may be in sight."
And Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., offered a bold prediction: "There is no more let's do it some other time. We are going to do it now."
That big talk is over for now.
Senate negotiators were haggling over what threshold of income to set as the demarcation between current tax rates and higher tax rates. They were negotiating over estate limits and tax levels, how to extend unemployment benefits, how to prevent cuts in Medicare payments to doctors and how to keep a minimum income tax payment designed for the rich from hitting about 28 million middle class taxpayers.
South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is predicting that without at least 28 of the 47 GOP senators on board with any given proposal, House Speaker John Boehner wouldn't be able to get the votes to pass it.
If Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., "can't get 60 percent of us to vote for this deal, it will be hard for Boehner to get it through the House. And I want to vote for it even though I won't like it because the country's got a lot at stake here," Graham said on "Fox News Sunday".
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said the 2.1 million Americans whose extended unemployment benefits ran out on Saturday are already feeling the pain of Congress' inaction.
"From this point on, it's lose-lose. My big worry is a contraction of the economy, the loss of jobs, which could be well over 2 million in addition to the people already on unemployment. I think contraction of the economy would be just terrible for this nation. I think we need a deal, we should do a deal," Feinstein said on "Fox News Sunday."
But the deal was not meant to settle other outstanding issues, including more than $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years, divided equally between the Pentagon and other government spending. The deal also would not address an extension of the nation's borrowing limit, which the government is on track to reach any day but which the Treasury can put off through accounting measures for about two months.
That means Obama and the Congress are already on a new collision path. Republicans say they intend to use the debt ceiling as leverage to extract more spending cuts from the president. Obama has been adamant that unlike 2011, when the country came close to defaulting on its debts, he will not yield to those Republican demands.
As the day ended Saturday, there were few signs of success on a scaled-back deal. But no one was declaring a stalemate either.
Lawmakers have until the new Congress convenes to pass any compromise, and even the calendar mattered. Democrats said they had been told House Republicans might reject a deal until after Jan. 1, to avoid a vote to raise taxes before they had technically gone up, and then vote to cut taxes after they had risen.
Associated Press writers David Espo, Julie Pace and Michele Salcedo contributed to this report.
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Today, we released Security Advisory 2794220 regarding an issue that impacts Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8. We are only aware of a very small number of targeted attacks at this time. This issue allows remote code execution if users browse to a malicious website with an affected browser. This would typically occur by an attacker convincing someone to click a link in an email or instant message.
Internet Explorer 9 and 10 are not affected by this issue, so upgrading to these versions will help protect you from this issue.
While we are actively working to develop a security update to address this issue, we encourage customers using affected versions of Internet Explorer to deploy the following workarounds and mitigations included in the advisory to help protect themselves:?
Over on the SRD blog, MSRC?s own Jonathan Ness and Cristian Craioveanu go over some of the issue details. We are also actively working to package an easy, one-click Fix it solution that will help protect your computer. In their blog, Jonathan and Cristian describe the shim that will be included in the Fix it, and how it will be able to be used to help prevent the exploit from succeeding. We expect the Fix it will be available in the next few days and will update this blog when it is ready.
As always, we encourage people to follow the "Protect Your Computer" guidance of enabling a firewall, applying all software updates and installing anti-virus and anti-spyware software. We also encourage folks to exercise caution when visiting websites and avoid clicking suspicious links, or opening email messages from unfamiliar senders. Additional information can be found at
We are monitoring the threat landscape very closely and if the situation changes, we will post updates here on the MSRC blog and on Twitter at @MSFTSecResponse.
Thank you,
Dustin Childs
Group Manager, Response Communications
Trustworthy Computing
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We began our Christmas season with?a gingerbread house and?tree decorating party!? We had so much?fun kicking off the season with?a few?friends and family.?
The finished product was simply gorgeous!
?After we?eat pizza?and finished the Christmas tree, it was time to decorate the gingerbread houses and trains with the kids.? If you've ever embarked on this type of holiday tradition, you know how much children reaaly enjoy this type of project.? Who doesn't love frosting, tons of different candy and being able to use your creative juices to construct your own Christmas palace!?Brunch with Santa at McGrievy's in Waterford has become a tradition in our home?for the?past two?years, since Nathan now knows who Ho Ho is.? This year, we were blessed to enjoy our morning with Nathan's cousin Lily and her little friend, Alex.? The food was great and the kids had a great time?visiting with Santa and receiving their first gift of the season.??
We had a great time on this train!? We brought pizza?and enjoyed dinner on the train.? Our fellow passengers were wondering where their pizza was and the conductor said, we were the second family he saw bring a pizza on the train!?It was dinner-time and the kids needed to eat! :-)??We played holiday trivia, read stories, sang Christmas carols (jingle bells - Nathan's favorite Christmas song),?drank hot and delicious coco?served in our very own Polar Express mugs, ate?a yummy sugar cookie with sprinkles, visited the North Pole and had a wonderful visit from Santa and his elf, Snowflake!??Saratoga does it right!? Althoug, I'm not one bit surprised.??We will certainly do this again next year and dome seats are a must!? I've already put a reminder in my?2013 calendar, so we can order them early and get a weekend date.
When it comes to Christmas projects, I really try to choose?something?meaningful -?that we'll enjoy for years to come.? I'm really proud of this years' selections!!? We made hand print?snowman Christmas tree ornaments,?paper snowflakes?in memory of the?Sandy Hook Elementary victims and hand print?Rudolf the reindeer hats.
These ornaments were super easy and turned out absolutely adorable!? With just some red and green Christmas balls, white fabric paint and markers and you have yourself a personalized keepsake?ornament.? The kid's hands are painted with?white fabric paint and then they grasp the?ornament, leaving behind?their hand print, which is used to make the snowmen.? Thank you Miss Cole for all your work on these ornaments?~ we love them!!??
The next project was: Snowflakes for?Sandy Hook.? The elementary school's PTA is constructing a Winter Wonderland at the school for the children's return?on January 12th, and they've asked people to make paper snowflakes to hang everywhere in the school, so it looks like a winter wonderland and?because no two snowflakes are alike.We even asked the adults to make a snowflake and they?came out awesome!? My 80+ year old?grandmother?even made a snowflake for the children.?
These snowflakes will be?mailed tomorrow.
Stay tuned....
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President Barack Obama pauses during a statement on the fiscal cliff negotiations with congressional leaders in the briefing room of the White House on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 in Washington. The negotiations are a last ditch effort to avoid across-the-board first of the year tax increases and deep spending cuts. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
President Barack Obama pauses during a statement on the fiscal cliff negotiations with congressional leaders in the briefing room of the White House on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 in Washington. The negotiations are a last ditch effort to avoid across-the-board first of the year tax increases and deep spending cuts. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. leaves the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, after a closed-door meeting between President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders to negotiate the framework for a deal on the fiscal cliff. The end game at hand, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders made a final stab at compromise Friday to prevent a toxic blend of middle-class tax increases and spending cuts from taking effect at the turn of the new year. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. leaves the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, after a closed-door meeting between President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders to negotiate the framework for a deal on the fiscal cliff. The end game at hand, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders made a final stab at compromise Friday to prevent a toxic blend of middle-class tax increases and spending cuts from taking effect at the turn of the new year. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., right, accompanied by the committee's ranking Republican, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., gestures during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, to discuss changes in Senate procedural rules. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Senate leaders rushed to assemble a last-ditch agreement to avoid middle-class tax increases and possibly delay steep spending cuts in an urgent attempt to find common ground after weeks of postelection gridlock.
An impatient President Barack Obama pressed top lawmakers to cut a deal, even one that falls short of the ambitions he and congressional leaders may once have harbored for a bigger deficit reduction package. Without a resolution, he warned, "every American's paycheck will get a lot smaller."
"Congress can prevent it from happening, if they act now," he said in his weekly Saturday radio and internet address.
Following a White House meeting Friday among Obama and congressional leaders, aides to Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., began racing against the clock for a bipartisan bargain. The leaders could present legislation to senators as early as Sunday, with a vote possible on Sunday or Monday.
The guest list for the White House meeting included Reid, McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. But the key players were clearly Reid and McConnell, both of whom stayed behind briefly at the White House and huddled with their staffs and Obama's top legislative aide, Rob Nabors, in the West Wing Cabinet Room just outside the Oval Office.
Neither side expected compromise to be easy. However, McConnell and Reid voiced unexpected optimism that they could work toward a deal that could win support in both their camps.
Warned Reid: "Whatever we come up with is going to be imperfect."
Looking to add pressure on negotiators, Obama said that absent a compromise he expects Reid to put legislation on the floor to prevent tax increases on the middle class and extend unemployment benefits ? an implicit challenge to Republicans to dare to vote against what polls show is popular.
Speaking for Republicans in a Saturday radio address, Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri sought to put the burden of a deal on Obama and Reid.
"We still can avoid going over the fiscal cliff if the president and the Democrat-controlled Senate step forward this week and work with Republicans to solve this problem and solve it now," he said.
Whatever manages to pass in the Senate, with its Democratic majority, would then face a second test in the Republican-controlled House.
Boehner, a Republican speaker who has struggled recently with anti-tax rebels inside his own party, said through an aide that he would await the results of the talks between the Senate and White House. A House vote could come as late as Wednesday, the final full day before a new Congress takes office.
Officials said there was a general understanding that any agreement would block scheduled income tax increases for middle-class earners while letting rates rise at upper-income levels.
Obama was sticking to his campaign call for increases above $250,000 in annual income, even though in recent negotiations he said he could accept $400,000.
The two sides also confronted a divide over estate taxes. Obama favors a higher tax than is currently in effect, but one senior Republican, Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, said he's "totally dead set" against it. Speaking of fellow GOP lawmakers, he said they harbor more opposition to an increase in the estate tax than to letting taxes on income and investments rise at upper levels.
But the estate tax was more likely to be used as a possible bargaining chip that Democrats could give away in exchange for higher rates for top earners and other Obama priorities.
Obama and Democrats want to prevent the expiration of unemployment benefits for about 2 million long-term jobless men and women, and there is widespread sentiment in both parties to shelter doctors from a 27 percent cut in Medicare fees.
Also likely to be included in the negotiations are taxes on dividends and capital gains, both of which are scheduled to rise with the new year. Also the alternative minimum tax, which, if left unchanged, could hit an estimated 28 million households for the first time and mean an average increase of more than $3,000.
The White House has shown increased concern about a possible doubling of milk prices if a farm bill is not passed in the next few days, although it is not clear whether that issue too might be included in the talks.
One Republican who was briefed on the White House meeting said Boehner made it clear he would leave in place spending cuts scheduled to take effect unless alternative savings were included in any compromise to offset them. In previous White House proposals, Obama has suggested finding enough cuts in government spending to put off the steeper cuts for up to six months.
Obama, speaking to reporters following his meeting with the congressional leaders, faulted a system that left crucial decisions to the last minute, a way of governing that he said the public finds "mindboggling."
"Outside of Washington nobody understands how it is that this seems to be a repeat pattern, over and over again," he said.
Still, Obama himself is part of the negotiating process, and his meeting with all four top leaders Friday was the first since Nov. 16. A phone call he placed Wednesday night to McConnell was the first the Republican leader had received from a Democrat on the fiscal talks since Thanksgiving.
Looking to add pressure on negotiators, Obama said he expects Reid to put legislation on the floor to prevent tax increases on the middle class and extend unemployment benefits ? an implicit challenge to Republicans to dare to vote against what polls show is popular.
The start of negotiations in the Senate marked a new endgame for discussions that have moved in fits and starts since the November election.
Boehner refused for weeks to accept any rate increases, and simultaneously accused Obama of skimping on the spending cuts he would support as part of a balanced deal to reduce deficits, remove the threat of spending cuts and prevent the across-the-board tax cuts.
Last week, the Ohio Republican presented a Plan B measure that would have let rates rise on million-dollar earners, well above Obama's latest offer for a $400,000 threshold.
Facing defeat, Boehner scrapped plans for a vote, leaving the economy on track for the cliff that political leaders in both parties had said they could avoid.
Associated Press writers Alan Fram and Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.
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These devices no doubt help in easy and fast communication but have we considered the effects they have on our written and spoken communication skills, especially our students??
Today, words are abbreviated in chat platforms to the extent that most students find it difficult to spell some words correctly, place punctuations appropriately, or even differentiate tenses. Examples; I don?t know becomes ?dunno?, okay becomes ?kk?, what is going on becomes ?sup?, don?t becomes ?dnt?, bother becomes ?boda? and the list goes on and on. It is at such moments that I praise some universities that ban the use of smart phones on campus.
Secondly, have we observed that some persons who are able to use these abbreviated words so much and type so fast with their phones during chats find it quite difficult to speak as effectively when physically present before their chat mates?
These are only my thoughts anyway. I will appreciate your comments as well.
A lot of people on Nairaland would rather write in 'text' language than the actual language thereby making it difficult to read/understand. Once you start writing that way consistently, you get used to it and it becomes the norm for you.
I can understand the need for 'text' words based on the number of characters you're restricted to in SMS
I'd rather read a sentence constructed in broken/pidgin English than in 'text' language outside of actual mobile texting, it does my head in
it depends on the individual
really affecting us badly
Exactly. I don't remember reading a text with the words written in full. Eveybody talks lyk dis noe. What is this nonsense?
"you're" becomes "your"
Quite tru cox i rembrd whn i was wrtng englsh dis yea, instd of schools i wrote .skulls. Its truli quite unfotunt. But as frm nw, i will tri as much as i can to wrte a complt wrd even in a forum o chat rum.
1 Like
Clefcentfelix: it depends on the individual
God punish spoken English. How about spoken Igbo and Yoruba. Why's no one worried about them?
For me the use of computer makes me spell words correctly, even the ones I can not easily put together (I just keep right-clicking till it suggest the right spelling).
1 Like
I dnt knw of som1 else,but its not affectin me at all,dats y I wrote dis in gud english
1 Like
E.g, A lot of people now replace the letter 's' with 'x' when they spell words.
There are many more examples but the crux of the matter is that social media has really affected the quality of written English among youths. Go through the comments on NL and see for yourself.
place reserved.
and one other thing is the consciousness,most fOLks when writing tend to forget they are not messaging their friends or updating some status But writing a note ,an exam,or maybe an application. . .most ppl(people) can actually write normally,but when this behaviour starts to eat deep,i'm afraid the person is Lost
and of course on occasions,he intentionally tries to break that jinx
yes,it definitelY affects the writing aspect,but i dnt(don't) think it affects anyone speaking. . .at Least to my knowledge
1 Like
It irritates me, in fact, I don't even waste my resource (time) reading short-worded comments and documents. What stops people from typing words the way they were taught, even when they have enough space to accommodate what they have to pass across to their listeners/readers. Personally, I see people who form such habits as unintelligent, docile and boring. It has nothing to do with Smart phones.
Queens English does not improve the economy of a nation, ask the Chinese prime minister (fastest growin economy), Germans or maybe Japanese. The English currency and Economy overtook ours years back cos they made us slave to their language. Gramma good oh,but e no go giv us light,water and road. SEEK FOR DEVELOPMENTAL KNOWLEDGE!!
1 Like
Chuckeey :how? Ok, it increased the price of fuel and damaged our roads.
really affecting us badly
...Typing From My Nokia 3310 With GPS, 3G, WIFI & Bluetooth
1 Like
I dont know. But ever since I started texting and chatting, I always write in full like its official. My friends I chat with always ask me why I write in full letters and I tell them its because I dont want to get used to those shorthand styles. Maybe its paying off for me.
For those of u who have nt see the text under ''dis has affect us badly'' because its hidden, the text is
Re: Are Smartphones Affecting Our
Written And Spoken English Skills?
by Clefcentfelix: 3:55pm
first to comment. placeholladele:
u're high on rice n stew.
(Quote) (Report) (Like)
Re: Are Smartphones Affecting Our
Written And Spoken English Skills?
by Clefcentfelix: 3:55pm
holladele: first to comment. place
Some posts here, written in text-speak, make me want to hit my head on the wall. Yikes!
1 Like
You don't blame smart phones for the laziness of humans. No smart phone/phone comes with "text speak".
1 Like
Richfella: Some posts here, written in text-speak, make me want to hit my head on the wall. Yikes!Its truly annoying when adults resort to writing "text speak" on a public forum. I can tolerate bad grammar but "text speak" just makes me write you off as un intelligent and not worth responding to.
1 Like
@OP: Welcome to the jet time for time.
1 Like
I would have to support this assertion. We now have a new form of written language, (no language is exempted) which is destructive to the way we communicate. Before long, abnormalities may become the norm and we may not have answers to right the wrong.
the thing they affect person die....
me don go back to school lol, as i don forget the spelling of most common words
Viewing this topic: Dreyl(m), holusormi, 2legit2qwt, candylips(m), ifecx4real, mycoldsweat, klas(m), nayra(f), Michealid, jmaine(m), adoken, Mich-rach, A-ZeD(m), Baba Eto, beatrice webb, VV2A(m), samm_miey(m), Clefcentfelix, Joeblis(m) and 17 guest(s)
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?HOUSTON, Texas - They've only met twice on the gridiron, but when Texas Tech and Minnesota get together, it has made for some scintillating finishes. In 2006 the teams met in the Insight Bowl in Phoenix, Arizona. Minnesota blew a big second half lead and lost 44-41 to the Red Raiders in overtime. Friday night at Reliant Stadium in Houston, the two teams met for the second time and again played it right down to the final whistle. Tech DB D.J. Johnson intercepted a pass thrown by Golden Gopher freshman QB Philip Nelson, returning the ball 39 yards, setting up a game-winning field goal by Tech place kicker Ryan Bustin to snatch another come-from-behind victory over Minnesota, 34-31. It was announced that 50,386 tickets were "distributed" but the actual attendance was quite a bit less for the Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas. A national television audience on ESPN also witnessed the exciting but penalty-filled game, which took almost four hours to play.
You would have thought that these teams were arch rivals from different sides of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis - St. Paul the way they came out and got real ugly with each other. There were a lot of big hits and chippy play from both teams throughout the game. Texas Tech registered 13 penalties for 135 yards, many of the personal foul variety. In the third quarter, Red Raider TE Jace Amaro was ejected by the officials for throwing a punch at a Minnesota player after both had crashed to the ground in the end zone.
Minnesota struck first, hitting a 41-yard field goal by Jordan Wettstein to get things going for the Gophers, making their first bowl appearance since the 2009 season. Texas Tech responded quickly with a 99-yard kickoff return for a touchdown and a 7-3 lead with 8:17 left in the first quarter. From there neither team ever led the game by more than seven points, and the lead flipped back and forth six more times.
Minnesota countered with a 6-play, 67-yard drive ending with a 2-yard TD run by tailback Rodrick Williams, Jr. Tech came right back with a 13-yard touchdown pass completion from second string QB Michael Brewer to wideout Derreck Edwards, giving the Red Raiders a 14-10 lead at the end of the first quarter.
Minnesota took advantage of a short field to go 48 yards on nine plays, with taiback Donnell Kirkwood going over from three yards out to give the Gophers a 17-14 lead early in the second quarter. A 28-yard field goal by Bustin knotted the score at 17 with 8:36 remaining until halftime.
Three penalties, including two personal fouls against Minnesota halted a promising drive. It's not often you see a third-and-49 play run by an offense. A poor 31-yard punt out of the end zone by Gopher punter Christian Eldred set Tech up on the Minnesota 42 yard line. QB Seth Doege finished off the drive with a 4-yard scamper to paydirt with only five seconds left in the first half, giving the Raiders a 24-17 advantage at the break.
Minnesota scored on a 17-yard touchdown pass from Nelson to wide receiver Devin Crawford-Tufts early in the third quarter, tying the score again at 24 all.
The scrappy Gophers stiffened on defense and scored again on a 1-yard TD pass from Nelson to wideout Drew Goodger early in the fourth quarter, taking a 31-24 lead. Minnesota held Tech at bay for most of the remainder of the game, but a late 7-play, 82-yard scoring drive was engineered by Doege, culminating with a 35-yard touchdown pass completion over the middle to Eric Ward, tying the score yet again with only 1:10 left in regulation time. Minnesota then gave up the crucial turnover resulting in the game winning FG for Tech.
The Red Raiders overcame some off-the-field distractions, as former head coach Tommy Tuberville left surprisingly for the head coaching job at Cincinnati in early December. Tech was coached by interim head coach Chris Thomsen. They have hired former Red Raider QB and offensive coordinator at Texas A&M, Kliff Kingsbury to pilot the program in 2013. Kingsbury attended the game.
Thomsen heaped praise on Johnson and Doege, the two Tech players that made the decisive plays to win it. ''More than anything I credit those players. They really held it together ... to get to make those plays after they struggled. They kept their poise and confidence and continued to stay in there and battle.'' Regarding all the penalties, Thomsen said, ''There was really no excuse for it. We didn't play very smart.''
Johnson reflected on the tough month the team had off the field. ''As a team we just continued to fight and have faith and work together. This is a huge win for us as a group.''
Doege was relieved that his team finally put it together at the end. ''That drive where we went and tied the game, we finally started clicking. It happened at the right time. It probably should have happened sooner.''
Minnesota head coach Jerry Kill was proud of his team's effort. ''I think our kids played hard tonight. They played their guts out, and I appreciate that. We just couldn't make a play at a critical time.''
Doege won game MVP honors with a 31-of-45 passing mark for 271 yards and one touchdown. He threw two interceptions. Kirkwood led all rushers with 77 yards gained on 19 carries for Minnesota. Darrin Moore caught a game-high 11 passes for 84 yards gained in the winning effort for Texas Tech.
Minnesota finished its Big Ten season with a 6-7 record. Texas Tech wraps its Big 12 campaign with an 8-5 mark.
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NEW YORK (AP) ? Autonomy, the British business software company now owned by Hewlett-Packard Co., is facing a Justice Department investigation over improper accounting under previous management, according to HP.
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission late Thursday, HP said Justice officials had informed the company on Nov. 21 that they were opening an investigation into the allegations, which HP said in November that it had uncovered after a senior Autonomy executive came forward.
HP also reiterated that it provided information to the SEC and the U.K. Serious Fraud Office related to "accounting improprieties, disclosure failures and misrepresentations at Autonomy." HP said it was cooperating with all three government agencies.
Justice officials had no comment.
HP, which bought Autonomy for $10 billion in 2011, took an $8.8 billion charge to reflect that the U.K. company isn't worth what it paid. HP says about $5 billion of that charge stemmed from improper accounting. HP also faces shareholders lawsuits related to the troubles at Autonomy.
Autonomy founder and former CEO Mike Lynch has said the allegations are false. He responded in a statement Thursday that HP had yet to provide a detailed calculation of that $5 billion or provide any explanation of the allegations. The statement was posted online at Forbes magazine's website.
The Autonomy mess has deepened a steep decline in HP's stock price, which has cut the Palo Alto, Calif., company's market value by nearly half this year. HP had already been struggling because its personal computer and printer businesses have been faltering as more people buy smartphones and tablet computers.
As a result of its alleged accounting practices, Autonomy appeared to be more profitable than it was and seemed to be growing its core software business faster than was actually the case. HP has said the moves were apparently designed to groom the company for an acquisition.
Once HP bought the company, Autonomy's reported revenue growth and profit margin quickly declined. Lynch continued to run the company as part of HP, but HP CEO Meg Whitman forced him out on May 23 because it was not living up to expectations. With Lynch gone, according to Whitman, a senior Autonomy executive volunteered information about the alleged accounting irregularities, prompting an internal investigation.
Among other things, Autonomy makes search engines that help companies find vital information stored across computer networks. Acquiring it was part of an attempt by HP to strengthen its portfolio of high-value products and services for corporations and government agencies.
HP's stock fell 27 cents, or 1.9 percent, to $13.77 in midday trading Friday.
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In the past year, we've hit up a number of events where, aside from tasting a number of memorable dishes, we also got to learn the tips and tricks of our favorite star chefs. Bobby Flay revealed some of his no-fail tricks when it comes to frying chicken, and skinny girl Bethenny Frankel shared her secret behind a fruity sangria. Here, we've rounded up our favorite celebrity-endorsed cooking advice.
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Introducing Caitlin Hendrickson: CL?s New Health/Fitness/Nutrition Writing Intern, State University of New York College at Oneonta
Name: Caitlin Hendrickson
College Lifestyle intern position: Health/Fitness/Nutrition Writer
Hometown: Congers, New York
School: The State University of New York College at Oneonta
Year in studies: Senior
Major/Concentrations: Dietetics/Health and Wellness, Personal Training
Organizational involvement: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
I am excited for second semester because: I am being introduced to advanced, upper-level courses that will show the heart of my major
My favorite thing about spring is: Warmer weather and nature?s beautiful colors beginning to blossom
My dream spring break is: Road tripping across the country with my closest friends in beautiful weather in a 1970 Pontiac GTO convertible
I wish I could study abroad: In New Zealand
My number one DIY craft for this semester is: Mason Jars
My fashion and accessory favorites for this spring are: Colorful high-waisted skirts, little cross-body bags, beautifully unique wedges, and any piece of Swarovski jewelery
My dream job is: Writing about healthy lifestyles for Women?s Health Magazine
My favorite food is: Guav Lox
My favorite movies/T.V. shows are: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Titanic, Dazed and Confused/Beavis and Butthead, Shameless, That 70?s Show
My favorite book is: Hatchet
My celebrity dream date is/with: A carnival adventure/Alex Pettyfer
I get my inspiration from: The Sex and the City ladies
My secret get-away during the semester is: My apartment with a couple of candles lit and a nice glass of wine
My friends would describe me as: ?Adventurous, fun-loving, non-bias (able to look at all sides of a situation and understand each point made), reliable, happy, and very sociable?-very close friend
Three things I want to accomplish before the summer: Find a job related to health that I love, start looking for an apartment, and go on a road trip
My favorite College Lifestyle article was: Choose This, Not That: Starbucks Edition
My definition of a classy co-ed is: Someone who is confident in their ways and is fabulous enough to show it off in a modest, not cocky, way
Why I am excited to be a College Lifestyle intern: I love writing about health and wellness so others can benefit from the readings and College Lifestyles allows me to go above and beyond this by giving me the experience I need to advance myself in the magazine world
Caitlin Hendrickson is a current student at SUNY Oneonta.? Follow her @caithendrickson.? To stay tuned to more articles for classy co-eds be sure to follow College Lifestyles on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter @collegelifestyl.
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NEW YORK (AP) ? The NHL made a new offer to the players' association, hoping to spark talks toward ending the long lockout and saving the hockey season.
Deputy commissioner Bill Daly said Friday the league presented its proposal Thursday and was waiting for a response. The sides haven't met in person since a second round of talks with a federal mediator broke down Dec. 13.
The lockout has reached its 104th day, and the NHL said it doesn't want a season of less than 48 games. That means a deal would need to be reached mid-January.
"We delivered to the union a new, comprehensive proposal for a successor CBA," Daly said in a statement Friday. "We are not prepared to discuss the details of our proposal at this time. We are hopeful that once the union's staff and negotiating committee have had an opportunity to thoroughly review and consider our new proposal, they will share it with the players. We want to be back on the ice as soon as possible."
A person familiar with key points of the offer told The Associated Press that the league proposed raising the limit of individual free-agent contracts to six years from five ? seven years if a team re-signs its own player; raising the salary variance from one year to another to 10 percent, up from 5 percent; and one compliance buyout for the 2013-14 season that wouldn't count toward a team's salary cap but would be included in the overall players' share of income.
The person spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the new offer were not being discussed publicly.
The NHL maintained the deferred payment amount of $300 million it offered in its previous proposal, an increase from an earlier offer of $211 million. The initial $300 million offer was pulled off the table after negotiations broke off earlier this month.
The latest proposal is for 10 years, running through the 2021-22 season, with both sides having the right to opt out after eight years.
A conference call with the players' association's negotiating committee and its executive board was scheduled for Friday afternoon and was expected to last several hours.
The lockout has reached a critical stage, threatening to shut down a season for the second time in eight years. All games through Jan. 14, plus the Winter Classic and the All-Star game already have been called off. The next round of cuts could claim the entire schedule.
The NHL is the only North American professional sports league to cancel a season because of a labor dispute, losing the 2004-05 campaign to a lockout. A 48-game season was played in 1995 after a lockout stretched into January.
It is still possible this dispute could eventually be settled in the courts if the sides can't reach a deal on their own.
The NHL filed a class-action suit this month in U.S. District Court in New York in an effort to show its lockout is legal. In a separate move, the league filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board, contending bad-faith bargaining by the union.
Those moves were made because the players' association took steps toward potentially filing a "disclaimer of interest," which would dissolve the union and make it a trade association. That would allow players to file antitrust lawsuits against the NHL.
Union members voted overwhelmingly to give their board the power to file the disclaimer by Jan. 2. If that deadline passes, another authorization vote could be held to approve a later filing.
Negotiations between the NHL and the union have been at a standstill since talks ended Dec. 6. One week later, the sides convened again with federal mediators in New Jersey, but still couldn't make progress.
The sides have been unable to reach agreement on the length of the new deal, the length of individual player contracts, and the variance in salary from year to year. The NHL is looking for an even split of revenues with players.
The NHL pulled all previous offers off the table after the union didn't agree to terms on its last proposal without negotiation.
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When you finally commit to renovating your outdated bathroom, you might be feeling a mixture of emotions. You are excited to see the finished design, but you are worried about how long the project will take and what factors may cause delays during the process. While everyone hopes that their renovation projects go as smoothly as possible, it is very important to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The best way to prepare is to know what mistakes you should specifically avoid making. Here are three ?do not?s? for bathroom renovation that you should keep in the front of your mind when you are planning and completing the project.
It is common to want to get a jump start on the project by starting the demolition stage early,after all, if you have more than one bathroom you might be thinking that you can live without your master bath until the project is done. This is a major mistake that should be avoided until you select, purchase, and assure the delivery date of all of the new elements that will be installed in your updated bathroom. If you start to demolish things that do not need to be demolished, it will cost you time and money.
If your home was built prior to 1975, you need to make sure that your pipes have been updated while they are accessible. A bathroom remodel is the perfect excuse to check your existing water supply piping and to replace all of the galvanized pipes that have not been updated. Failing to do this can cost you money and can turn a simple remodel into a major disaster later down the line.
You set a budget before you even start to design what your new bathroom will look like. The budget will include the cost of new fixtures, piping, toilets, a shower, a bath, materials, and labor. But failing to set aside money to account for hidden damage is a mistake. It is very common for outdated bathrooms to have mold damage and dry rot around the tub and sink, so once they are removed, you may be in for a big surprise that you were not prepared to deal with.
If you want your remodel project to be done quickly, you need to take control of the project before it takes control of you. Consider the common mistakes that homeowners make, and avoid them at all costs.
Author Bio
Andre has been freelance writing for several years, and loves writing? home improvement, parenting, health, and self-help articles.
He is currently promoting Fitzall Blades
Tags: advice, bathroom, home, home improvement, tools
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